
How Long Does It Take to Become a Data Scientist: An In-Depth Look

How Long Does it Take to Become a Data Scientist

Data science is a popular and growing field. Most companies are using it to solve their everyday challenges and situations. Therefore, there is an ever-growing need for data scientists and an increase in their jobs. Hence, many people are exploring ways to become a data scientist. If you are here, you are one of those interested in becoming a data scientist.

This article will talk about aspects of becoming a data scientist, especially how long does it take to become a data scientist. Let’s get started.

Understanding Data Science

The field of study known as data science combines programming skills, subject knowledge, and a grasp of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data. To create artificial intelligence systems that can do tasks that often require human intellect, data science practitioners or data scientists use machine learning algorithms for various inputs, including text, photos, audio, video, statistics, and more.

Data Scientists: Who are They?

Data scientists work on large-scale data gathering and cleansing, user-friendly dashboards and databases, algorithm creation, problem-solving and experimenting with data interpretation, and presenting visually attractive data to stakeholders. Data scientists are far more than merely analysts of data; they do much more.

Data scientists also know machine learning, relational databases, data visualization, deep learning, big data, and exploratory data analysis. They should also be an expert in technical skills, such as natural language processing, statistical software, and predictive modeling.

In addition, being a data scientist also means having the strong communication skills needed to present these valuable insights to different stakeholders. Data science is a lucrative career offering stability, high payout, and growing market demand. There are many job positions, and hence, understanding how long does it take to become a data scientist becomes essential.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Data Scientist?

You will be surprised to know that you can start your career in the data science field in as little as 12 weeks by joining the Data Science & Engineering Bootcamp by CCSLA. Depending on your availability, you can choose a full-time or part-time course. However, you must remember that completing the course takes time, effort, and dedication.

You will get an understanding of the foundations of data science, machine learning, and data visualization technologies via this bootcamp. Applying what you learn in the bootcamp to real-world scenarios is the greatest approach to make sure you are an expert. It will help in enhancing skills and building a strong portfolio.

Why Become a Data Scientist?

Data scientist

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have become an integral part of every business thanks to everyday technical advancements. By 2026, the data science market is estimated to reach USD 322.9 billion. It is because of the increase in the adoption of technology, machine learning algorithms, and big data that there is a growth seen in data science.

As per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pay of a data scientist is $100,000 per annum. There are numerous options to choose from, even within the field of data science, which is a popular and growing field to invest in.

Are You Ready to Become a Data Scientist?

Before you decide that data science is the right career for you, you must assess your readiness.

How to become a data scientist

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Evaluate your talent and knowledge. If you are already a data analyst or have experience in programming, it may become easier for you to grasp the concepts. However, there will still be a lot to learn, such as data visualization, machine learning, and data analysis.
  • Another aspect to check your readiness is to know your transferable skills. You can use these skills while dealing with complex projects and working with other teams.
  • Next comes the growth parameter that also needs evaluation. You must remember that to grow in data science, you must adopt the continuous learning and development approach. There may be difficulties, disappointments, and barriers that call for a development mentality to go beyond.

A Data Scientist’s Role

Let’s examine what a typical day in the life of a data scientist entails:

Cleaning and preparing data

They make sure the data is clean and ready for analysis. It involves recognizing outlines, addressing missing values, and guaranteeing data consistency.

Ethical oversight

They guarantee that information is gathered, managed, and applied morally. Consent concerns, privacy, and bias management are also included.

Data exploration and analysis

Data scientists employ statistical techniques to investigate the correlations among variables in databases, uncover trends, and spot abnormalities.

Machine learning and advanced analytics

Professionals in machine learning and advanced analytics use machine learning (ML) techniques to build models that improve forecasts or accurately automate decision-making.

Predictive modeling

Using previous data, they create models that forecast future events. It entails picking the best model to use, training it using data, and confirming its correctness.

Big data technologies

By managing, processing, and reviewing enormous datasets that are beyond the capacity of conventional data processing methods, big data tools and technologies are utilized.

Data reporting and visualization

Creating visual representations of data findings and analyzing the outcomes to produce insights for stakeholders is one of their main responsibilities.

Creative solution development

They spot chances to use data science in novel contexts to create cutting-edge goods and services.

Cross-functional cooperation

Data scientists collaborate with teams from other departments, such as engineering, business, and product, to learn about their needs and provide insights that meet those needs.

Continuous learning

Continuous learning is essential for data scientists to keep their skills up to date. They accomplish this by following the newest trends, technologies, techniques, and algorithms.

Competencies Required to Work as a Data Scientist

The following abilities are necessary to work as a data scientist:

Technical skills required for becoming a data scientist


To do jobs like data analysis, data wrangling, and machine learning, you need to be familiar with programming languages like R, Python, and SQL.

Database administration and data wrangling

To clean, convert, and get ready for analysis of data, you’ll need to have data wrangling abilities. As a result, you need to understand database management strategies like NoSQL and SQL databases.

Probability and statistics

Planning experiments, examining data distributions, and assessing the importance of results all require a solid understanding of these concepts.

Data visualization

For efficient data visualization, you should be able to use programs like Matplotlib, Tableau, and Power BI. In order to give stakeholders insightful information, this is necessary.

Machine learning and deep learning

To create predictive models, spot trends, and provide data-driven suggestions, a data scientist has to be knowledgeable with both machine learning and deep learning methods and algorithms.

Can Someone Who Isn’t Technical Become a Data Scientist?

To become a data scientist, non-technical individuals need to possess excellent analytical and quantitative abilities. They must comprehend complicated datasets and feel at ease dealing with them. They also need to be proficient with statistical tools. It takes a lot of work for a non-technical individual to become a data scientist.

Educational Requirements for Data Scientist Positions

A student can choose to go for a data science undergraduate, postgraduate, or a data science bootcamp for their educational qualification. How much time it takes to become a data scientist will also depend on the path chosen. The data science bootcamp can make you job-ready and quickstart your career towards becoming a data scientist in just 12 weeks.

How Important is Practical Experience in Becoming a Data Scientist?

People often feel that if they study and get a certification, they are data scientists. However, practical experience plays a significant role in it. You must get involved in internships or entry-level jobs to practice your theoretical understanding of real-world situations and gain adequate industrial expertise.

Many companies are willing to offer a data scientist internship that can help in getting the right job opportunity. Besides, having hands-on experience in solving real-world problems, working with datasets, and handling industry tools can easily bridge the gap between practice and theory.

Practical experience of any kind helps in building projects and portfolios to show to potential employers. Moreover, you can also build on your soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities. You will require these skills to collaborate with teammates and colleagues, present findings to stakeholders, and tackle complex data challenges.

Most importantly, practical experience will help develop data collecting, cleansing, and analyzing techniques. You must know and understand everything about data preparation and manipulation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your insights from various datasets. Hence, practical experience plays a vital role in you becoming a data scientist.

Steps to Become a Data Scientist

Now that you are clear about data science and scientists, here are the steps to follow to become one:

  • Start with a preparation course
  • Brush up your data science knowledge and fundamentals
  • Fulfill the educational requirements
  • Plan your specialization and career path
  • Learn essential skills
  • Get familiarized with critical data science tools
  • Take internships to gain practical experience
  • Build your network
  • Build your project portfolio
  • Apply for data scientist job

Final Thoughts

You can make a lasting impression on employers by developing a strong online presence, enrolling in the best data science courses, and including these achievements on your CV. By showcasing your ability to solve problems and work well with others, you will increase your chances of landing a job as a data scientist.

You may also look at the data science bootcamp offered by CCSLA. A data science course can help you excel in your career; if you need help selecting a course, you can contact them. Taking this data science learning course will enable you to pursue a career in this exciting and quickly growing field.