Stress & Anxiety Management

*Looking for flexible schedule (after hours or weekend)? Please call or email us: 858-208-4141 or

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Positive and negative stress is a constant influence on all of our lives. The trick is to maximize the positive stress and to minimize the negative stress. Your participants will be shown how stress can be positive and negative, and we’ll look at the Triple A approach that will form the basis of this workshop.

The Stress Management workshop will give participants a three-option method for addressing any stressful situation, as well as a toolbox of personal skills, including using routines, relaxation techniques, and a stress log system. They will also understand what lifestyle elements they can change to reduce stress. Long-term unmanaged stress leads to burn out. We’ll be talking about identifying the stress & how to relieve it before it gets to the burn-out phase but also what to do when you’ve identified you’re in burn-out.


Dirigido por un instructor


Course Overview

  • Identify the best approach to a stressful situation (Alter, Avoid, or Accept)
  • Understand what lifestyle elements you can change to reduce stress
  • Use routines to reduce stress & burn-out
  • Use environmental and physical relaxation techniques
  • Better cope with major events
  • Use a stress log to identify stressors and create a plan to reduce or eliminate them


Con CCS Learning Academy, recibirás:

  • Instructor-led training
  • Manual del estudiante del seminario de capacitaciĂłn
  • ColaboraciĂłn con compañeros de clase (actualmente no disponible para cursos a su propio ritmo)
  • Escenarios y actividades de aprendizaje del mundo real.
  • Disfrute de asistencia para la colocaciĂłn laboral durante los primeros 12 meses despuĂ©s de finalizar el curso.
  • Asistencia de colocaciĂłn durante los primeros 12 meses.
  • Este curso es elegible para el programa Learn and Earn de CCS Learning Academy: obtenga un reembolso de la matrĂ­cula de hasta 50% si se le coloca en un trabajo a travĂ©s de CCS Global Tech. DivisiĂłn de colocaciĂłn*
  • Precios gubernamentales y privados disponibles.*
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