Helm360’s Costa Rica team, including Founder and CEO, Raminder Singh, gathered on May 14th at Playa Linda (Beautiful Beach) for a beach clean-up event. Playa Linda is located just 35 miles from our San Isidro, Perez Zeledon offices. Our team joined forces with members of the local community to remove all sorts of garbage, like plastic items, cigarette butts, food wrappers, etc.
Beach pollution is a major environmental issue in Costa Rica. An estimated 550 tons of plastic are dumped daily in Costa Rica; 80% of which end up in the ocean. Participating in this beach clean-up was an opportunity for our employees to support Costa Rica’s environmental efforts and safeguard its economy, which relies, in part, on ecotourism.
As a global organization, we’re very conscious of our connection to the communities we inhabit. Community service is a part of our cultural DNA. Putting this ethos into action has been challenging during the Covid pandemic, which is why our Costa Rica team was thrilled to participate in in this event.
Many thanks to all who joined, especially the extremely capable event coordinators Lucrecia Villalobos Picado y Margareth Quesada Umaña. A big thanks also to Melissa Mata Mondragon for the fantastic photography.