
PeopleCert SCRUM Master I

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Last Update December 12, 2023
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About This Course

Course Description

Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. It increases team productivity by encouraging team players to learn through experiences, self-organise, and continuously improve.

IT teams use Scrum to develop, deliver, and maintain complex software products. However, Scrum principles can be applied to all kinds of areas: research, sales, marketing, and customer support -to name a few.

How does Scrum work?

Holding a Scrum certification proves the candidate’s familiarity with Scrum practices, beyond the mere knowledge of terminology. It shows to employers thatthe candidate has the potential to be the person they need to cover the Scrum Master role in their teams.

Whether the candidate is a Scrum beginner or a seasoned professional, a certification a significant advantage when aiming to motivate and lead teammates. The PeopleCert Scrum Master credential showcases that the candidate has the skills necessary to lead an agile team successfully.

Important of Scrum certification?

This certification is the second level of the PeopleCert SCRUM qualification scheme and is aimed at anyone who wishes to become an efficient leading member in an environment that the Scrum framework is applied and requires candidates to have and demonstrate a solid knowledge and understanding of Scrum terms, principles, tools and practices, as well as demonstrate their application skills of how to use tools efficiently and effectively. The certification can also cater for candidates seeking personal certification

This certification will provide the advanced level of knowledge to its holders and will certify that they have a solid understanding of the Scrum framework practices using various tools and are able to apply these in everyday work involving the required practices. The basic level of skills and knowledge is covered in the PeopleCert SCRUM Master I level of the qualification scheme provided by PeopleCert and a quick recap of these is provided in the PeopleCert SCRUM Master II material.

SCRUM Qualification structure

The PeopleCert SCRUM qualification scheme has been structured as follows:

  • PeopleCert SCRUM Master I – Candidates get the essential knowledge needed by IT professionals in Agile methodologies and Scrum practices. It focuses on the fundamental principles and concepts of both Agile and Scrum.
  • PeopleCert SCRUM Master II – Candidates will enhance all aspects of the Scrum framework through a variety of real-world scenarios and focused practical information related specifically to the Scrum Master.
  • PeopleCert SCRUM Product Owner stream – Candidates will cover all aspects of the Scrum framework through a variety of real-world scenarios and focused practical information related specifically to the Scrum Product Owner.
  • PeopleCert SCRUM Developer– Candidates will cover all aspects of the Scrum framework through a variety of real-world scenarios and focused practical information related specifically to the Scrum Developer.

The PeopleCert SCRUM Master I certification covers the fundamental knowledge required for a candidate to build their knowledge and skills regarding Scrum principles and practices. In addition, the thePeopleCert SCRUM Master II certification(which is the next level of the qualification) covers more advanced skills, practices, and knowledge about the Scrum framework.

The body of knowledge underlying these skills are presented in the official courseware provided by PeopleCert to accredited ATOs. The primary purpose of the syllabus is to provide a basis for accreditation of people involved with the Scrum framework. It documents the learning outcomes related to the qualification and describes the requirements a candidate is expected to meet to demonstrate that these learning outcomes have been achieved at the specific qualification level.


The purpose of this qualification level is to confirm that a candidate has sufficient knowledge, understanding, and application of the Scrum framework and be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a Scrum Team.

Qualification Scheme Level

Through the above learning objectives, candidates will demonstrate relevant knowledge skills in the following areas:

  • Introduction to Agile Project Management
  • An Introduction to Scrum
  • The Scrum Team
  • Scrum Artifacts
  • Scrum Events
  • Releasing the Increment

Learning Objectives

At this qualification level, candidates will be introduced to basic concepts, terms, principles and tools used for Scrum as well as why Scrum is needed in modern enterprises, the Scrum methodology, people and culture implications as well as the practices, processes, and technology used for adapting Scrum within an organization.
The definition and purpose of Agile
The three pillars of Scrum: inspection, adaptation, and transparency
The five Scrum values: commitment, focus, openness, respect, and courage
The characteristics of an effective Scrum Master, Product Owner, and developer
The purposes of different Artifacts and Events in Scrum


  • 2 day Certified Instructor-led training
  • Official Training Seminar Student Handbook
  • Pre and Post assessments/evaluations
  • Collaboration with classmates (not currently available for self-paced course)
  • Real-world learning activities and scenarios
  • Exam Voucher with Remote proctoring
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com; sales@ccslearningacademy.com

Target Audience

  • This certification is the first level of the PeopleCert SCRUM qualification scheme provided by PeopleCertand is aimed at anyone who wishes to become an efficient member of a Scrum environment and requires candidates to have and demonstrate a solid knowledge and understanding of the Scrum terms, principles, tools, and practices, as well as demonstrate their application skills of how to use tools efficiently and effectively. The certification can also cater to candidates seeking personal certification.
  • This certification will provide all the required levels of knowledge to its holders and will certify that they have a solid understanding of Scrum using various tools.
  • An advanced level of skills and knowledge is covered in PeopleCert SCRUM Master II which is the next level of the PeopleCert SCRUM qualification scheme provided by PeopleCert.


135 Lessons8h

Introduction to Agile Project Management

What Is Agile?
> Define the term “Agile” as an adjective used to describe a flexible, iterative project management style and identify key terms used to describe Agile approaches.
> Identify the four values of the Agile Manifesto.
> Identify the twelve principles of the Agile Manifesto.
> Recall the three characteristics of value
> Identify the benefits of using an Agile project management approach.
Agile Methodologies
> Identify popular Agile approaches.
> Identify the factors that contribute to the success of an Agile project management approach.
> Identify characteristics of predictive development approaches.
> Identify characteristics of adaptive development approaches
> Recall the meaning of iterative development and incremental development.
> Identify criteria for when it is best to use an Agile or waterfall approach.

An Introduction to Scrum

The Scrum Team

Scrum Artifacts

Scrum Events

Releasing the Increment

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Duration 8 hours
135 lectures


  • 2 day Certified Instructor-led training
  • Official Training Seminar Student Handbook
  • Pre and Post assessments/evaluations
  • Collaboration with classmates (not currently available for self-paced course)
  • Real-world learning activities and scenarios
  • Exam Voucher with Remote proctoring
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available.*
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com; sales@ccslearningacademy.com

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