

We found 511 courses available for you

Node.js Foundations eLearning

73 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is a high level …

What you'll learn
Setting up a computer to write and run Node code
Create your first program and learn various aspects of Node app creation
Learn about the REPL terminal and how to execute different types of expressions
Understand what the node package manager is and how to use it for your applications
Learn how to respond to use callbacks to respond to events and drive app behavior
Explore event driven applications and see how apps are executed in Node
Understand the Node.js Event Emitter
Learn the different functionality offered by Node.js for Buffer interaction
Node.js streams
Creating, reading, and manipulating files with Node
Number representation and manipulation in JavaScript
Understanding how to use the Node.js web module to create and maintain a web server
Learn the basic usages of the express framework in your Node apps
Understand the various aspects of REST and how to build a REST compliant API
JavaScript methods

CSS Foundations eLearning

22 Lessons

Course Description: In front-end web development, there are three key …

What you'll learn
Style rules
How to add CSS
Class and ID selectors
Descendent and Grouping selectors
Background images

HTML Foundations eLearning

26 Lessons

Course Description: No technology is more essential to the operation …

What you'll learn
Structure of a HTML page
head, p, spa, em, and strong elements
Parent and child relationships
Tables, forms, and special characters
Headers and footers

Java Foundations eLearning

29 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is a high level …

What you'll learn
Setting up a computer to utilize JDK
Create programs and learn various syntactical rules
Define and use Java classes and other object
Java constructors
Creation and manipulation of data types
Understanding of variable types
Understanding modifier types
Knowledge about operators and how to use them
Ways to loop data structures and objects
Number representation and manipulation
String creation, manipulation, and deletion
Array creation and manipulation
Java methods
Understand how to interact with the operating system to collect input and output data
Inner classing and why it’s helpful
Raise, catch, and work with exceptions within your Java application
Object orientation
Creation and manipulation of common data structures
Object serialization
Socket networking
Creation and interaction with multi thread applications
Understand how Java applets work and how to create and embed them

C# Foundations eLearning

86 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is a high level …

What you'll learn
The basics of Visual Studio
Create and edit source code
Compile source code for use by the JIT
Installation and updating of Visual Studio
The basics of .NET development
Introduction to CLI, GC, JIT, and FCL
Use of Types
Object Orientation
Execution Flows

Ruby Foundations eLearning

28 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is a high level …

What you'll learn
Setting up computer to utilize the Ruby technology
Create your first program
Utilize various syntactical rules
Define and use various attributes of a Ruby class
Understand how various supported data structures are created and manipulated in Ruby
Conditional logic statements
Modules in Ruby
String creation, manipulation, and deletion
Array creation and manipulation
Hash creation and manipulation
Common iterators
Object orientation
Plain text and HTML emails from a Ruby application
GUI programs

JavaScript Foundations eLearning

31 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is a high level …

What you'll learn
The basics of JavaScript
Data types
CLI basics
String methods
Object literals
if and switch statements
Object-oriented programming

Python Application Security eLearning

39 Lessons

Course Description: This online training course is an introduction to …

What you'll learn
Overview of course and course-level learning objectives
Quick overview of some common concepts and resources for securing your app
Learn how to use Bandit to detect potential security issues in your Python code
Understand how to implement the Flask-Security package
Understand the risk of XSS and how to mitigate this in your Flask app
Understand how CSRF attacks work and how to mitigate them in your Flask app
Understand how SQL injection works and how to mitigate in your app
Explore the various HTTP headers that allow an application to work with the browser to control security
Improve the security of our app using what we’ve learned
Increase security of our app using what we’ve learned
Increase security in the apps APIs
Explain and fix all detected issues using the Bandit package
Learn about various types of input injections
Understand why we only use asserts to communicate with other developers, and never for production evaluations
Understand how to securely parse yaml data in your app