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Last Update January 3, 2024
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About This Course

Attend this JavaScript training course and gain knowledge and skills to create modern, interactive websites. In this course, you learn how to structure code, add interactivity, and leverage JavaScript to generate dynamic HTML5. You will also benefit from the use of best practices and progressive enhancement techniques. You will grow significantly on your path to achieving the knowledge and skills of a full stack developer by accessing data asynchronously.

JavaScript Fundamentals
*Declaring & Referencing Variables
*Variable Hoisting in JavaScript
*Conditionals, Operators, & Nested Loops
*Using Arrays & Loops in JavaScript
*Objects, Functions, & Function Scoping
*Variable Hoisting with Scoping
*Return Statements in JavaScript
*Function Hoisting

JavaScript OOP
*How to Use Object Constructors
*Common Constructors: ‘This’ & ‘New’
*Private Methods & Variables
*Creating Prototype Objects in JavaScript
*Best Practices for JavaScript OOP

Advanced JavaScript
*How to Use Callbacks
*Delegating Functionality & Event Handling


  • 3 day Instructor-led training course.
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available. *
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com

Target Audience

  • Student should have the basic understanding of HTML and CSS.

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All Levels
Duration 24 hours


  • 3 day Instructor-led training course.
  • Enjoy job placement assistance for the first 12 months after course completion.
  • This course is eligible for CCS Learning Academy’s Learn and Earn Program: get a tuition fee refund of up to 50% if you are placed in a job through CCS Global Tech’s Placement Division*
  • Government and Private pricing available. *
  • *For more details call: 858-208-4141 or email: training@ccslearningacademy.com

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