

We found 256 courses available for you

Introduction to C++ Programming (TTCP2100)

40 hours

Introduction to C++ Programming Essentials is a four-day, hands-on course …

Privacy and Security in AI

2 hours

This course explores the critical aspects and security within the …

What you'll learn
Understand the privacy implications and risks associated with AI technologies
Discover the different security stances by users, hobbyists, professionals, and organizations
Explore how AI providers use personal data and secure it
Investigate data leaks within AI modems
Learn about the regulatory and ethical frameworks governing data privacy in AI
Develop skills in threat modeling and secure development practices for AI systems
Analyze real-time examples of vulnerabilities and security pitfalls

Computer Vision: How AI Processes Images

2 hours

This course looks into field of computer vision, focusing on …

What you'll learn
Understand the fundamental concepts of computer vision and image processing
Learn how AI models and algorithms are applied to analyze and interpret visual data
Gain practical insight into developing computer vision applications using frameworks like OpenCV and TensorFlow
Explore advanced topics such as object detection, facial recognition, and image segmentation
Analyze the ethical implications associated with computer vision technologies being intertwined with government
What you'll learn
Learn which data is most useful to collect now and why it’s important to start collecting that data as soon as possible.
Understand the intersection between big data, data science and AI (Machine Learning / Deep Learning) and how they can help you reach your business goals and gain a competitive advantage.
Understand the factors that go into choosing a data science and AI driven systems including whether to go with a cloud-based solution.
Explore common tools and technologies to aid in making informed decisions.
Gain the skills required to build your data science, AI and machine learning teams.

Introduction to XML Fundamentals (TT4300)

24 hours

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard that is …

What you'll learn
Write well-formed XML documents
Model business requirements using XML
Handle XML reserved characters
Validate an XML document with a Schema
Centralize data and markup definition with entities
Create Schemas using XML tools
Generate XML documents from databases
Write XSL templates to transform XML documents into HTML
Integrate XML, XSL and the DOM to implement a complete solution
Understand the security concerns related to XML processing

Mastering User Experience (UX) Design for Experienced Web Developers (TT4213)

24 hours

In today’s fast-paced digital world, user-centric and adaptable websites are …

What you'll learn
<b>Understand and apply UX principles and user-centered design processes:</b> Participants will learn to identify the needs and preferences of users, create user personas, and apply UX best practices to develop intuitive, user-friendly web experiences.
<b>Design and implement responsive web layouts:</b> Participants will gain the skills to create fluid grid layouts, use flexible images, and apply media queries to design web pages that adapt seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes.
<b>Optimize web performance for responsive designs:</b> Participants will learn techniques to improve website performance, including image optimization, responsive images, and minification and concatenation of assets, ensuring a fast and smooth user experience across devices.
<b>Implement accessible web designs:</b>Participants will understand the importance of accessibility in web design and learn to apply WCAG principles and accessible design patterns to create websites that are usable by a wide range of users, including those with disabilities.
<b>Collaborate effectively with designers, developers, and stakeholders:</b> Participants will gain insights into design collaboration and handoff processes, enhancing their ability to communicate design decisions, provide and receive feedback, and work efficiently with team members and clients.

Introduction to JavaScript

24 hours

Introduction to Modern JavaScript | JavaScript Essentials is a hands-on …

What you'll learn
Understand what JavaScript is and how it is used within the context of web applications
Work with the different technologies that are the foundation for web applications.
Understand and work with the fundamental aspects of JavaScript in terms of web applications, security, tools, and frameworks
Learn to how to effectively work with the newest advances in JavaScript such as ES6 and TypeScript
Develop code using conventions and optimal constructs for performance

Mastering React Boot Camp (TT4195)

40 hours

React revolves around the creation of dynamic, interactive, and efficient …

What you'll learn
<b>Design and Implement Interactive Web Applications:</b> Harness the power of React's core principles to craft dynamic, user-centric web interfaces that respond efficiently to user interactions.
<b>Integrate Advanced React Features:</b> Seamlessly incorporate advanced React functionalities such as state management, routing, and complex component structures into their projects, elevating the overall user experience of their applications.
<b>Craft Data-Driven Applications:</b> Implement and manipulate Props to create applications that efficiently handle and present data, enhancing user interaction and information flow.
<b>Optimize Web Performance:</b> Understand and leverage the benefits of the Virtual DOM, enabling faster rendering and efficient updates, resulting in smoother user experiences and reduced page load times.