

We found 108 courses available for you

Introduction to Jira (TTDV7541)

16 hours

Jira from Atlassian is a leading project management software that …

What you'll learn
<b>Grasp the Basics:</b> Familiarize yourself with the fundamental concepts, terminologies, and infrastructure of JIRA to lay a strong foundation for effective usage.
<b>Master Business and Agile Projects:</b> Gain hands-on experience in using JIRA for business and agile projects, enhancing your skills in task management, process management, and running projects with Kanban.
<b>Navigate Issue Management:</b> Become proficient in dealing with issues, issue cloning, and time tracking to streamline your tasks and subtasks.
<b>Customize Field and Screen Management:</b> Learn to tailor built-in and custom fields, and work with JIRA screens and screen tabs, personalizing your user experience.
<b>Map Out Your Workflow:</b> Understand how to map business processes, manage workflows, and apply them to projects, transforming complex procedures into manageable steps.
<b>Sharpen Your Search and Reporting Skills:</b> Utilize JIRA's powerful searching and reporting tools, mastering both basic and advanced search with JIRA Query Language (JQL), and creating insightful reports and dashboards.

Introduction to Kubernetes (TTDV7590)

16 hours

Containerization has taken the IT world by storm, in the …

What you'll learn
What a Kubernetes cluster is, and how to deploy and manage them on-premises and in the cloud.
How Kubernetes fits into the cloud-native ecosystem, and how it interfaces with other important technologies such as Docker.
The major Kubernetes components that let us deploy and manage applications in a modern cloud-native fashion.
How to define and manage applications with declarative manifest files that should be version-controlled and treated like code.

Introduction to GitHub for Developers (TTDV7551)

16 hours

Introduction to GitHub for Developers is a fast-paced hands-on course …

Generative AI in Business: A Practical Approach for Decision Makers and Architects (TTAI2102)

3 hours

Welcome to the exciting world of Generative AI – we’ll …

What you'll learn
Gain a solid understanding of Generative AI, its evolution, and its role in shaping innovative business solutions, positioning you to effectively drive AI initiatives in your organization.
Acquire the ability to identify potential Generative AI use cases in your industry and evaluate their feasibility and value, empowering you to make informed decisions that can enhance business operations.
Learn how to manage the lifecycle of an AI project efficiently, equipping you with the knowledge to guide projects from inception to successful deployment, with continuous monitoring and improvement.
Develop an understanding of AI and data security best practices, along with the crucial role of data in Generative AI, fostering your ability to safeguard your AI systems effectively.
Stay ahead of the curve by gaining insights into the upcoming trends and technologies in Generative AI, enabling you to maintain a competitive edge in your organization in this rapidly evolving field.

Voice of Innovation: Building a Voice Bot – From Concept to Reality (TTAI2063)

3 hours

This dynamic half-day course is designed for developers, product managers, …

What you'll learn
<b>Introduction to Voice Bot Technology: </b> Understand the fundamentals of voice bot technology, including how systems like Alexa and Siri function.
<b>Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP): </b> Dive into NLP techniques for interpreting user input and generating meaningful responses.
<b>Developing a Conversational AI: </b> Explore strategies for developing a voice bot that can engage in natural, human-like conversations.
<b>Practical Implementation: </b> Walk through the end-to-end process of building a simple voice bot, from design to deployment.

AI Automation Strategies: Applying AI for Cost Savings & Efficiency (TTAI2064)

3 hours

Discover the transformative power of AI in streamlining your business …

What you'll learn
<b>Understanding AI Automation Potential:</b> Gain an overview of how AI, including bots and automated systems, can be integrated into business processes.
<b>Identifying Automation Opportunities:</b> Learn methodologies for identifying processes and areas within your business that are prime candidates for AI automation.
<b>Evaluating Business Impact: </b> Understand how to assess the potential impact of automation on efficiency, cost savings, and overall business performance.
<b>Planning and Implementing AI Solutions: </b> Explore the steps involved in planning and deploying AI automation solutions in targeted areas of your business.
<b>Measuring Success and ROI: </b> Learn how to measure the success of AI automation initiatives and calculate the return on investment.

Transforming Customer Support with AI: Crafting Custom Assistants for Your Business (TTAI2062)

3 hours

Step into the world of AI-driven enterprise support with our …

What you'll learn
<b>Introduction to AI in Enterprise Support:</b> Understand the role and potential of AI in enhancing enterprise support systems.
<b>Utilizing Internal Documents for AI Training: </b> Learn how to effectively use your enterprise's existing documentation, such as SOPs and manuals, as data for training AI systems.
<b>Creating an Interactive SOP Guide:</b> Explore the development of AI tools that allow employees to interact with SOPs in a conversational manner, facilitating easy access to information.
<b>Developing Comprehensive FAQ Systems:</b> Discover methods to compile and integrate frequently asked questions into the AI system, ensuring comprehensive support coverage.
<b>Getting Started with GenAI:</b> Practical steps to begin implementing General AI in your enterprise support structure, focusing on achievable, impactful applications.

AI Insights: A Practical Guide to AI Types, Principles and Applications (TTAI2051)

3 hours

Dive into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in …

What you'll learn
<b>Comprehensive AI Understanding:</b> Master the key types and principles of AI, distinguishing between artificial narrow intelligence, general intelligence, and super intelligence.
<b>Practical AI Applications:</b> Discover AI's transformative role in various industries, including its potential to innovate in agriculture, medicine, finance, and more.
<b>Ethical and Reliable AI Use:</b> Explore the ethical use of AI and the factors influencing its reliability in deployment.
<b>Hands-On AI Experience:</b> Gain introductory hands-on experience with common AI technologies, enhancing your practical skills.
<b>Future AI Trends:</b> Engage in discussions about the future of AI, including emerging research areas and advancements in technology.