
Customer Support with AI Courses

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We found 1 course available for you

Transforming Customer Support with AI: Crafting Custom Assistants for Your Business (TTAI2062)

3 hours

Step into the world of AI-driven enterprise support with our …

What you'll learn
<b>Introduction to AI in Enterprise Support:</b> Understand the role and potential of AI in enhancing enterprise support systems.
<b>Utilizing Internal Documents for AI Training: </b> Learn how to effectively use your enterprise's existing documentation, such as SOPs and manuals, as data for training AI systems.
<b>Creating an Interactive SOP Guide:</b> Explore the development of AI tools that allow employees to interact with SOPs in a conversational manner, facilitating easy access to information.
<b>Developing Comprehensive FAQ Systems:</b> Discover methods to compile and integrate frequently asked questions into the AI system, ensuring comprehensive support coverage.
<b>Getting Started with GenAI:</b> Practical steps to begin implementing General AI in your enterprise support structure, focusing on achievable, impactful applications.