
AI Principles Courses

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We found 1 course available for you

AI Insights: A Practical Guide to AI Types, Principles and Applications (TTAI2051)

3 hours

Dive into the transformative world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in …

What you'll learn
<b>Comprehensive AI Understanding:</b> Master the key types and principles of AI, distinguishing between artificial narrow intelligence, general intelligence, and super intelligence.
<b>Practical AI Applications:</b> Discover AI's transformative role in various industries, including its potential to innovate in agriculture, medicine, finance, and more.
<b>Ethical and Reliable AI Use:</b> Explore the ethical use of AI and the factors influencing its reliability in deployment.
<b>Hands-On AI Experience:</b> Gain introductory hands-on experience with common AI technologies, enhancing your practical skills.
<b>Future AI Trends:</b> Engage in discussions about the future of AI, including emerging research areas and advancements in technology.